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Prasenjit Mondal Prasenjit Mondal

The Importance Of Online Sentiment Analysis

The way businesses interact with their customers has changed drastically over the last 2 decades. Where customers used to write, email, or call a business directly in order to dish out their feedback, compliments, or complaints – they now take to social media to tell the world how they feel about a brand. These interactions are happening almost exclusively online and they are visible to everyone. One wrong move and a single complaint can snowball into a PR disaster.

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Prasenjit Mondal Prasenjit Mondal

Who Are The Top Sentiment Influencers For Your Business?

From last week’s blog, we know that online sentiment is the term used to understand the emotion that customers, potential customers, and the general public feel when they perceive your brand online, either on social media or mainstream online media. Social media can change the perception of your brand globally, so many businesses want to know how the general public really feels about their brand or organisation -in real-time. We measure online sentiment in order to accurately track both the tone and the emotion used when your business is discussed online

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Prasenjit Mondal Prasenjit Mondal

Is Deleting Facebook Comments Ever Ok?

When you decide to advertise on Facebook, it comes with many perks and the occasional drawback; in particular, negative Facebook ad comments. Whether you have hundreds or thousands of Facebook followers, you’re bound to get at least one user who will take issue with your post, or will use your post to leave negative reviews. It’s not completely uncommon to receive negative comments on Facebook ads. However, you should not treat it lightly – if you do, it could negatively impact your brand

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Prasenjit Mondal Prasenjit Mondal

Fear Of Missing Out – Online Sentiment

Having your business online is a great way to market, grow, and engage with consumers or clients, but it comes with a great deal uncertainty and risk. When we ask our clients what their greatest fear is regarding their online presence, without fail, it is the fear of missing out – also known as FOMO.

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Prasenjit Mondal Prasenjit Mondal

Is Reputation Purely Based On Social Media In 2022

“You shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet” was one of the very first rules when social media was introduced – so how have we gotten to the point where misinformation is spreading like wildfire and almost no one verifies or fact-checks what they read online?

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Prasenjit Mondal Prasenjit Mondal

Why Are Advertisers Worried About Their Reputation On Twitter?

It’s been less than two months since Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 Billion, and it’s been a bumpy ride for Musk, his staff, his ex-staff, and for Twitter users. 14 of the top 50 advertisers on Twitter stopped advertising on the social media app just days after Musk’s somewhat chaotic takeover.

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