
DORA - Digital Operational Resilience Act 2022 Regulation (EU 2022/2554)

What is DORA?

The new Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) 2022 Regulation (EU 2022/2554) will require firms to ensure they can withstand all types of ICT-related disruptions and threats. DORA establishes technical standards that financial entities and their critical third-party technology service providers must implement in their ICT systems by 17 January 2025.

The introduction of this legislation includes categories of harm within Online Reputation Security:

These threats cannot be solved by IT solutions alone. They require additional specialised skills and expertise. Standalone technology solutions are only half the solution. RiskEye® is purpose-built for dealing with these threats that come on Social and Digital Media.

What Needs To Be Covered?

RiskEye® ensure your business is fully compliant with DORA legislation and the four main requirements within the act:

  • ICT risk management and governance

  • Incident response and reporting

  • Digital operational resilience testing

  • Third-party risk management

How Does RiskEye® Cover You?

RiskEye® uses various tools, including proprietary software to collect, aggregate, and analyse all data and content about an organisation online. We do this in real-time so organisations and their security teams can detect, mitigate and remove online risk. We use predetermined rules to define harm and threats which are then prioritised and generate alerts.

Our core functions include:

  • Log Management: we gather an organisations data from multiple public digital places and organise it in a customised dashboard. We then determine if that data is a risk or attack.

  • Event Correlation: because the data is organised and prioritised we can analyse for weak signals, behavioural patterns and bad actors. We can immediately respond to these risks, mitigating them before they become a crisis-related event.

  • Incident Monitoring and Response: our proprietary software monitors incidents in real-time 24/7 across all public digital channels, providing alerts, reports and audits of all activity related to an incident.

We mitigate online risk with various tools including detecting suspicious activity towards an organisation, monitoring behaviour, removing harm from public platforms and generating compliance and audit reports for intelligence gathering and post-event analysis.

Contact Us To Learn More

Brands and businesses can adapt and thrive in today's fast-moving digital world by making smarter decisions and executing data-driven social strategies. At RiskEye® we’re always protecting.

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