Who Owns ‘Digiverse’ Risks In The Real World?

Who Owns 'Digiverse' Risks In The Real World?

Digiverse: The digital universe to which so many minds are now part where electricity and technology have created an alternate universe. 

Real World: Where we can see, hear and touch tangible things.

It’s taken 20 years for us to really create the ‘Digiverse’ – it’s a place full of data, facts, and fiction. It’s a place where reality and fantasy is neither right nor wrong; it’s just digital content created in a virtual space, and it’s full of every kind of imaginable risk.  It presents a risk to people, a risk to mental health, a risk to truth, and a risk to business – risk, risk and more risk. 

In traditional times it was a PR teams’ job to watch the outside world for those risks that come inbound towards a business. The PR team kept an eye on anything that was communicated about the business. Generally, journalists will call a PR representative as the story unfolds, and good PR people will know the scope of the risk that’s coming. However, with the creation of the ‘Digiverse’, risks that don’t come through a single point anymore – you won’t be forewarned. 

The ‘Digiverse’ has closed the gap between the risk and the world knowing about it in zero seconds. Brands and businesses reputation can collapse within minutes. While operation risks in the past would be a problem for the operations team, it is now a problem for the whole business. Social media teams are hired for outbound communications and growth but now they are struggling to learn how to deal with risks that come inbound. 

The world is full of data which is moving at light-speed and staying switched on 24/7.  That’s a lot of mental energy taken up by constantly looking for harm.

So now we have many teams looking and trying to deal with risks – it is spread across lots of silos and yet when they all stop working at 5pm, its left to continue unseen and unchecked. Software services that deliver data at intervals are not sufficient to deal with risks, and finding the risks is now only half the battle. Knowing how to use and bring change to the organisation for future proofing is something that requires a whole new perspective, and collecting data in a completely different way is vital. 

At RiskEye, we are moving to a time of needing new skills to see this new digital world in a new way. RiskEye monitor your brand online 24/7, using real people to send you alerts, so you don’t have to spend so much time watching for risk. 

The ‘Digiverse’ isn’t going anywhere and the faster we cover the risk – the more chance we have of surviving between two worlds of the ‘Digiverse’ and the Real World!  

For an insight into the ‘Digiverse’ and what it means for you, check out our website www.riskeye.com, or email [email protected]. We make social safer!


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