The Anonymous Diary Of The Social Media Exec

The Anonymous Diary Of The Social Media Exec. 

Monday 6th July 

New week, new content! Spent the day organising the calendar to make sure our themes are in order for this month. Really complicated this month as the COVID rules have changed again and ideas we created had to be altered to make sure they were relevant. Not helpful when the manager keeps making last-minute changes! 

Things were a least a bit quieter after the weekend of hell answering customer queries about deliveries again!! I am definitely not getting paid enough to be working 24/7! No one in management seems to care and no one ever steps in to help. 

 Tuesday 7th July 

Spent an hour trying to explain about moderating our platforms so that the complaints are answered or dealt with. Impossible trying to explain this to the dinosaurs in management. They just do not understand the reach our platforms have and the impact negative sentiment can have. No one has any idea of how we should answer or even if we should answer. It’s so stressful having to make these decisions without any guidelines.

 Wednesday 8th July 

First socially distanced evening out in forever and one hour in I’m having to battle with an abusive customer who will not be pacified. The whole evening ruined and had to keep answering when I got home. I’m sure I shouldn’t be dealing with this after a few drinks! 

 Thursday 9th July

OMG horror! Realized the customer issue I responded to last night was terribly handled because I answered after a few drinks! Have deleted all posts and reached out this morning to customer – God I hope I can resolve the problem. (Newline) Double dejection after the great results from the latest online campaign isn’t taken seriously in the marketing meeting. And then to make it worse senior manager tweeted a stupid comment that has been screenshot and being massively shared. I’m expected to just fix this and don’t have a clue how to rectify it. There is no one that can help me here.

 Friday 10th July 

Finally got listened to today about answering queries and complaints out of hours. Have been told to go and research companies and products that might be able to help me.


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