RiskEye – A New Paradigm

A New Paradigm - Sarah Holland

You’ve taken your business into the digital space and you want to achieve a broader and richer sense of brand awareness, audience engagement and understanding. You’ve probably purchased one of the many listening or monitoring software suites. You feel like you have improved your digital capabilities and have a sense of your online audience.

Do you have a nagging feeling that something is missing though? You would be right! These tools have been created to empower you digitally and fully immerse your brand online. The trouble is, they have left your business fully exposed with no protection from online risk and harm. If you are going to master the digital space for your business, you have to cover the risk it presents. Your listening and monitoring software solutions are not designed to identify, interpret and alert you to risk and it is not your job to sit watching the screen 24/7 trying to find it yourself! 



Your business needs to experience a paradigm shift within its digital strategy – something conventional software solutions cannot provide for you.

How Can We Help?

Listening and monitoring software suites have a definite place in your business and they perform a very particular set of tasks that help you deliver your message. There is a difference though between listening and really listening. Collecting content about your business and presenting it to you to interpret is just a delivery service.

To really listen to your online audience you need 24/7 live oversight of all content about you and then an interpretation of that content. These traditional software solutions present you with a list of content that you have to read through and interpret, in todays fast paced online world, that just won’t cut it anymore. Wouldn’t you prefer a focused, collated, prioritised and sentiment graded single view of all your online content? Your understanding of your digital presence could take a stratospheric leap giving you insights and strategic direction never before possible.

Our job is to keep you safe while you learn how to improve and market your business. Online risk needs a new Paradigm and RiskEye brings that to the market.


RiskEye gives you the power to anticipate, detect, and accommodate issues online in real-time, before they become a threat or harm your business. Check out our site to find out how we prevent, protect, and fix for businesses all over Europe, the UK, and the U.S. Our software catches all conversation to, from, or about you in real-time so you never miss a thing!

At RiskEye, we are moving to a time of needing new skills to see this new digital world in a new way. RiskEye monitors your brand online 24/7, using real people to send you alerts, so you don’t have to spend so much time watching for risk. 

For an insight into online risk and what it means for you, check out our website www.riskeye.com, or email [email protected]. We make social safer! 


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