Corporate Reputation And Corona Virus

A period without precedence has begun! 

COVID-19 has emerged into a world where social media has become the dominant medium of communication. Your company is going to need to make significant, rapid and repeated changes to adapt as each new phase of this crisis emerges. 

These circumstances are a fertile breeding ground for the types of rumours and fake news that destroy businesses and their reputations. 

The weeks ahead are going to be extremely challenging for all businesses without having to fend off the threat of rumours. In RiskEye, each day of this crisis is bringing examples of this potential harm to our attention

Considering how fast news around the coronavirus is evolving, understanding shifts in public perception about the virus is critically important. Brands and corporations seeking to protect public health, the interests of their employees, and the viability of their businesses would be well advised to stay informed of changes in public perception as the situation continues to unfold.  

Our exising customers are protected by our early alerts about the emergence of harmful online material. They are able to respond quickly to stop rumours from becoming ruinous. Reconsidering spending priorities will pre-occupy businesses over the next week. 

Given all the unknowns in the current environment, it can be challenging to prepare for all possible scenarios. That said, there are a few concrete steps that can be taken to minimise negative outcomes, both to public health and to corporate reputation. RiskEye is like your radar for the coming storm. You must be able to see new problems before they destroy you.  If you do nothing else, you need to turn it on, right now. 


Human Rights & Online Reputation


Businesses In Online Crisis